Confidence Leads to Loyalty

High quality customer service remains the linchpin of success. More than any other aspect of the customer experience, it defines the kind of relationships your business maintains with its customers. Is it friendly and mutually beneficial? Or is it adversarial and frustrating? Even though we all hope our transactions will go smoothly, problems can and do arise. The question is how well do we handle those moments. Can we solve these problems swiftly, with little friction, and as pleasantly as possible? Can we instill a sense of confidence in our customers? In short, can we earn their trust and, consequently, their loyalty?


One of the most important pillars of exceptional customer service is the rapid resolution of whatever issues arise. When problems, questions, or concerns appear, customers expect a quick response. None of us enjoys wasting our time, especially when we’re left in the lurch for something we’re paying for. Time is precious, and the clock doesn’t stop, so prompt solutions are a powerful gesture. When we make sure to address problems swiftly, we not only alleviate customer frustration but also demonstrate how much we value their time and concerns. Timeliness prevents what might have otherwise been a minor issue from escalating into a major one, and can help prevent customer dissatisfaction. Consider it a sign of respect.


Efficiency is about minimizing friction in customer interactions. Keeping problem-resolution procedures smooth is crucial to nurturing customer loyalty. Otherwise, these procedures could feel like pulling teeth, and that’s a surefire way to convince a customer to seek a competitor’s services. Efficiency can take many forms, including seamless returns, user-friendly touchpoints (be those online, over-the-phone, or in-person), and other forms of convenience. When we find ways to reduce friction, it’s like rolling out a red carpet for our customers; this ensures a pleasant and stress-free experience. There are few better ways to inspire trust that doing business with you is worth their time.


The hallmark of an extraordinary customer experience is that all aspects of the customer’s journey are handled with empathy, thoughtfulness, and skill. These three qualities add up to a memorably positive experience, one in which problems are not just resolved swiftly and efficiently, but also in a way that leaves a positive impression on the customer. Empathy demonstrates that you understand where a customer is coming from, validating their concerns; thoughtfulness shows that you care that the solutions you present anticipate all of the customer’s needs; and skill is the necessary prerequisite for ensuring that those needs are handled correctly and not made worse. A failure to achieve any of these three will leave the customer feeling frustrated, cold, and maybe even worse off.

When our customer interactions are marked by speed, efficiency, and positivity, customers can feel confident about continuing to do business with us. Instilling confidence is really about earning loyalty, and should be the aspiration of all businesses. Loyal customers represent both repeat sales, as well as referrals. Positive word-of-mouth achieves more than advertising, and contributes to building your brand’s reputation. When you put in the work to ensure that everything in your business is as swift, frictionless, and friendly, the dividends are boundless and long-lasting.

To that end, we encourage you to take a look around at the services we at The Brandt Group offer. We’ve specialized in customer service, staff development, and leadership training for more than 30 years: the customer experience is literally our brand, and we’re here to help your business make it part of yours, too. If you’re ready to evaluate how well your business is performing on all the little things—those precious opportunities that add up to earn customer loyalty—then let’s talk today about how to put your employees in a position to transform challenges into lasting victories.

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