Customers Are Getting Smarter

Earlier this year, customer-experience expert Shep Hyken posted an article titled “Top Customer Service and CX Predictions and Trends for 2024”, in which he distilled his five favorites. These include his belief that customers will continue to get smarter, that the employee experience will be just as important as the customer’s, that a business’s support of social causes will increase customer satisfaction, that customers will become less patient, and finally convenience will be critical. He then proceeded to devote a few sentences to how businesses can take action to anticipate these trends.

Let’s do a deep dive on that first point. How are customers getting smarter, and what can you do to cater to their discerning tastes?

What Do You Mean, Smarter?

In bygone years, customers used to rely heavily on either salespeople or their friends for information when on what products to purchase. But the information superhighway has become omnipresent in all facets of society, as nearly everyone owns a smartphone and has an abundance of review websites, customer commentary, social media posts, and more in their pocket. Moreover, “They no longer compare us only to our direct competition but also to the best service they’ve had from any company.” Think about that. How do you think your business compares to other great companies?

Put succinctly, customers are more educated than ever before. And even in circumstances where they are not, they can easily find information provided by people who are.

Crowdsourcing defines “crowdsourcing” as “the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a larger number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet.” When you think about it, that’s exactly what your customers are doing when they find information on your products or services. The crowd are your other customers. That’s powerful. But the good news is that you can also leverage crowdsourcing.

As Hyken suggests, “Sit down with your team and discuss their favorite companies to do business with inside and outside your industry.” You do this so that you can get multiple perspectives on what other companies are doing well so that you can adapt your own practices. The crowd in this case is your team. If you’re concerned that you won’t get fully unfiltered feedback, consider anonymous surveys for your staff.

Additional Perspectives

Of course, when you crowdsource, you should also seek the opinions of your customers directly. You can achieve this through customer feedback surveys that you offer in-person and on your website. Sometimes that kind of honesty is brutal but necessary, so don’t be afraid to embrace it.

Another perspective to consider is that of mystery shoppers. While shoppers are average consumers, you can instruct them to test any part of your business to determine where you’re strongest and where you need bolstering.

We’re Here to Help

The Brandt Group is a customer-service consultancy. We specialize in maximizing our clients’ customer and employee experiences to create strong company cultures built upon foundations of transparency and trust. To that end, we have cultivated a nationwide network of mystery shoppers who are ready to help you evaluate your business; moreover, we have the tools for creating customer and employee feedback surveys, as well as leadership training courses to help you develop your employees.

Remember, your customers are getting smarter because they have the tools to educate themselves. The Brandt Group is here to help you do the same.

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The Employee Experience Matters
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