How am I with Customers & Customer Service?

By Joe Lair, A Brandt Group Trainer

When is the last time you gave yourself a grade about anything to do with you and your business? Not the type of grade where you let yourself off the hook easy but an honest grade about you and your business.

I sit down several times a year and grade myself using “Rigorous Honesty” now it’s time for you to do the same.

Ask yourself this simple question, how am I with customers and customer service? Look at all things happening within your business starting from the top working down.

Starting with this question are you excelling in customer service? Or are you just getting by?

Customer service is a cornerstone value for a thriving business. But if you believe it’s only your front door you are sorely mistaken! Customer service happens just as much outside your business as it does inside. You and your employees work with customers even during off time, how well are do you handle that is vital.

Do you have rewards or other incentives in place for employees who are helpful during their off time? Working with customers during off time is a complicated thing and your employees need to understand how to handle them in a congenial way.

Just punching out from work never means leaving work behind. Most jobs require employees to work even when they are off the clock. They are billboards for your business and you need to believe in those billboards enough to keep them working.

Your employees look to you as the example. Do you share stories about how you handle customers during your down time? While out shopping, while your out for a quiet evening and a customer stops you, do you share your success in handling those situations with your employees?

With the information so far how is your grade?

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