How Employees Impact the Customer Experience

Shep Hyken’s Achieving Customer Amazement 2021 report is out now, and one of the breakdowns he gives are the elements that add up to a great overall experience. His research uncovered that the following customer-service elements are either important or very important: employee knowledge, employee kindness and helpfulness, ability to reach the right customer support person, convenience, fast customer support response (email, etc.), delivery options, employees’ ability to empathize with customer frustrations or issues, and a personalized experience.

You might notice that at least half of these are within the direct control of the employee. Indeed, let’s consider how much employee behavior impacts that customer experience by condensing these into three topics that specifically deal with these interactions:

Employees are knowledgeable

One of the greatest pain-points for customers is not getting the answers they need. While the Internet has empowered many consumers to be well educated on product options, it’s a bad assumption to believe they really understand all of the nuances. That’s where your employees come in: after all, they are the people who work around your products every day, so they ought to know your products, right? (If only that were a universal truth.)

Simply put, a business should always be ready to guide customers to the right purchase decisions. Well-trained employees who are thoughtful about customer needs will be able to suggest the right options, including upsells and add-ons, that will ensure both long-term satisfaction for your customers as well as increased profits for the business. Fewer returns, more repeat business, and referrals await when this is done correctly.

Employees respond quickly

Another frustration for consumers is when they think they’re not being valued for their patronage. We all want to be appreciated, so this comes as no surprise. However, the fact that customers are left hanging on email replies, returned phone calls, and so on all the time seems to suggest how easy it is to slack on this point.

But we can’t allow that: when customers contact your business for help, whether about a new purchase or an old one, how and when your employees respond will tell them everything they need to know about how reliable your business is, as well as how much it cares about them as a customer. Don’t ignore them! A neglected customer is a former customer.

Employees are helpful and empathetic

In the end, much of this comes down to having a staff that is equipped (as in trained and empowered) to help, and also a staff that wants to help. Genuine concern and empathy are qualities we should foster and develop in our employees so that they care enough to become knowledgeable about your products and services, as well as motivated enough to reply back to customer inquiries as quickly as possible. In other words, you need employees who care enough to both want to earn your customers’ trust as well as keep them satisfied.

Apathy is the enemy; employees should feel a personal sense of satisfaction for helping your customers, otherwise they can never excel.

In order to train your staff well and keep them sharp for whatever tests lie ahead, you need a comprehensive training and incentives regimen, like a mystery-shopping program. The Brandt Group specializes in identifying key strengths and weaknesses through the use of real-world feedback, which will empower you as the business owner or manager with the information you need to put your staff in the best position to succeed. Mystery shops allow for accountability and flexibility at every level, so that you’re prepared to faced whatever lies ahead.

Want to find out more? Reach out to us, and let’s figure out how to make sure your employees are making the kind of impact on your company’s customer experience today!

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