Commandment No. 5 – Thou Shalt Be Willing to Apologize Quickly

The next commandment laid out in Shep Hyken’s Forbes article, The Ten Commandments of Superior Customer Service, “Thou Shalt Be Willing to Apologize Quickly”. We all hate being wrong, especially when it means we’re not just incorrect but that we’ve actually aggrieved someone else. In the context of business, this…

Commandment No. 4 – Thou Shalt Say Thank You and Please – A LOT

Let’s take a look at the next commandment described in Shep Hyken’s Forbes article, The Ten Commandments of Superior Customer Service, “Thou Shalt Say Thank You and Please – A LOT”. As Hyken explains, this commandment harkens back to the good manners “our parents should have taught us.” He further…