The Cycle of Service in Restaurants: Wrapping Up the Guest Visit

Today’s blog is based on the fantastic learning library at Service That Sells. This trove of online training resources is one of the best places you can visit to help develop the service, sales, and management skills of you and your employees. Visit their site to learn more about the Cycle of Service workshops. While this series is directed specifically at restaurants, the information is applicable to any business, so please take the time to consider these points even if you’re in a different industry.

Fifth in The Cycle of Service is “Wrapping Up the Guest Visit”. There are several key points that are explained in the video embedded in the aforementioned webpage, so let’s cover those concepts in detail here.

The main idea of this module is that what guests feel as they exit the building is just as important as when they enter or anything in between. The wrap-up is the guest’s final impression, and if it’s especially good or bad, he or she will likely remember this most of all, regardless of how well the rest of the experience went.

To begin, check presentation is the perfect opportunity to let your guests know that you appreciate that they chose your restaurant. This means thanking them, smiling, and saying something friendly. Make sure the sentiment is authentic sounding!

Don’t assume who will pay, unless there is already a plan in place for separate checks, or one of the guests has specifically requested it. Instead, place the check in the center of the table, not directly in front of any one guest. Now is the time to explain whether you’ll be returning to pick the checkup, or whether they should bring it to the register.

But while servers and cashiers handle the checks and the payments, the responsibility of making guests feel great when leaving fall upon all the employees. Hosts, for example, are in a great position to bid guests a good day or evening on their way out, as well as invite them to return.

In summation, employees should thank guests for choosing your restaurant. If possible, personalize it with the guest’s name—or your own, if you don’t know theirs. Make sure the payment process goes quickly and smoothly. And finally, invite them to return. Don’t allow a bad wrap-up to ruin an otherwise great experience!

Be sure to check out Service That Sells to learn more about these workshops, and stay tuned to us at The Brandt Group as we continue our overview of The Cycle of Service. We can help ensure your employees are representing and selling your products in a way that makes you proud. Reach out to us to learn more.


The Cycle of Service in Restaurants: Succeeding as a Team
The Cycle of Service in Restaurants: Generating Sales

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