‘Tis the Season for Appreciation

Though it’s been another difficult year, businesses everywhere should take the time to look back with appreciation for all that they’ve been able to accomplish in 2021—despite the challenges arrayed against us all. The biggest reason for this success is, without a doubt, the loyalty of customers and employees alike.

When it comes to customers, we have to remember that there’s a huge amount of choice in the marketplace. Not only are there likely competitors down the street but also across the Internet. When a customer votes for your business with his or her dollars, that’s a huge compliment, and one that should be acknowledged. Even businesses that do large volume sales (like restaurants, cafes, retail stores, etc.) likely have a small group of recognizable customers. Don’t forget to thank them. Tell them that their business means a lot to you and your staff, and that you look forward to serving them in the future. As with all aspects of the customer experience, personalize it.

The same level of appreciation should go to your employees, too. Given the broad labor shortage, wages are competitive and many businesses are attempting to lure people to their teams with generous signing bonuses and amenities. Unless your business is in a highly niche or heavily depressed market, your staff probably has a lot of choice when it comes to where they choose to work. The fact that they continue to work for your business warrants appreciation.

In the case of employees, Shep Hyken tells us in a recent blog that the key is “to not just praise the performer, but also the performance. It’s very simple. You not only praise your employee, but you tell them why you appreciate what they’ve done.” For example, “You could say, ‘Great job, Sarah. Thank you for your hard work. I realize you stayed late a couple of nights to get this report finished. We couldn’t have handed our proposal to the client if you didn’t put in the extra effort. Thank you again.”

Thoughtfulness costs nothing, and it’s a highly worthwhile investment. It shows customers and employees both that you’re paying attention, and that you care. While those things aren’t everything, they mean a lot, and it’s the kind of gift that goes a long way.

Here’s to a brighter 2022! Merry Christmas and Happy Near Year from The Brandt Group! If you need anything from us, including business planning advice, mystery shopping, or staff training, don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to serving you in the future, and we know we wouldn’t be here with you. Thank you!

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