Evaluate your strategic staffing plan

Over the past 18-24 months the economy has changed drastically. The national banking crisis has trickled down throughout our local economy affecting every business in one way or another.

Decreasing sales translate into businesses having to make drastic cuts to their staffing levels. As businesses are paring down their staff, they are keeping the best and the brightest on their team. Now employees are thinking less about new opportunities simply because they are limited. As a result, employees are more loyal to their current employer.

Another change is owners and managers are now more assertive than ever when it comes to reprimanding their employees and they are less fearful of making a needed change. Whenever there is an opening for a staff member, applications now pour in. This has brought huge smiles to employers. Gone are the days of just hiring “warm bodies” because of the limited talent pool.

Most businesses have retained a core group of employees. Employers are now making an investment in coaching, training and developing their team so they remain competitive in the marketplace. This is the time of year when most businesses start thinking about their summer staffing plans gearing up for the promising summer season.

But not all is so rosy. Lack of sales has forced businesses to do more with less. Owners, managers, and employees alike are working harder today to generate sales. Doing more with less is becoming the mantra for the day. The lack of sufficient staffing is beginning to have an effect on the working environment of many businesses.

Employees are now being asked to pick up the slack, which is resulting in burnout. Managers and owners are also getting burned out because they are working longer hours too. The workplace is becoming rift with frustration and tension.

Let’s explore some ideas that will help you discover new ways to solve employee morale issues. My goal is to help you enjoy your work and your job no matter your position in the business.

Step One: JOY needs to be brought back again into the workplace. For many employees today, if their work isn’t fun, they are not going to do it. There are many managers and owners in business today and their batteries have been drained of JOY. They need to make an effort to find Joy again or they will not be effective in coaching and training their employees.

When managers and owners start making this shift and begin enjoying their work, they will attract higher quality employees to their business. Your individual joy really is the secret. It is what puts excitement, challenge, and achievement back into the workplace. It all starts with leadership after all, who wants to work for a grouchy boss? In the beginning, you may have to ACT JOYFULLY to be JOYFUL. Just start doing it, it works!

Step Two: A Strategic Staffing Plan. Owners and managers must change the way they currently recruit and retain employees. What has worked in the past will not work in the future. A Strategic Staffing Plan has become as important, possibly more important, than a financial or marketing plan. Let’s face it. Without employees, we have no financial plan.

There are elements to building a Strategic Staffing Plan but first you will need to ask yourself these questions: What are the current STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES, and POSSIBLE THREATS of my staff, individually and as a whole? Asking yourself these questions you will discover areas of opportunity and growth for your employees and your business.

As an owner or manager you should have an individual advancement plan that challenges each of your employees. Understandably, some of your employees do not want to grow and is that okay? Others are bored and are looking to leave you for a new challenge.

Sitting down with each of your employees and ask “If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your current job responsibilities? What do you want for your future?” Get set to be surprised. I have discovered that many business owners had no idea just how their employee felt about their current job duties. Never forget, employees work for themselves first, then you. They are merely on loan to you.

To have a successful Strategic Staffing Plan you need to recruit, hire, and train more effectively. Take a look at each of these areas and evaluate your organization’s process and performance. How are you doing right now? Chances are good, that you could use some improvement. All of these functions require collaborative planning with your employees and management.

When you’re ready here are eight more aspects for developing a Strategic Staffing Plan.

1. Employee Happiness – are they pleased, content and joyful?

2. Knowing the Numbers – do you know your turnover rate, recruitment, retention, and replacement cost?

3. Recruiting Strategies – do you have a well-defined approach for recruiting new talent?

4. Interviewing and Hiring Techniques – do you have a well thought out strategy?

5. Training – do you have ongoing specific training, identified individually for each team member?

6. Retention – is there a plan to retain the best and the brightest?

7. Motivation – do your employees have a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm for your product and services?

8. A Superb Reputation – does the community have a high opinion in your ability to deliver on your promise?

Look at each of these areas and evaluate your current performance. Notice that Employee Happiness is first. Why? Happiness in your place of business is absolutely the most important ingredient in attracting and keeping good employees. Remember what I said about JOY? You need to plan on creating JOY … every day. This concept is foreign to many business managers and owners.

The days of “winging it” are over. Here is your homework assignment. Spend time this week with your management team evaluating your current Staffing Plan. Listen to each other and then grade your performance honestly. When you do, morale throughout your business will increase and so will sales.

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