Building Blocks to Exceptional Customer Service

When the subject of providing “Exceptional Customer Service” comes up it is natural to start thinking about employees of a particular business. Yes employees are essential, but they are not the only element in building Exceptional Customer Service.

There are many factors that influence the success or failure of a business as it relates to customer service. I have boiled them down to seven building blocks that are critical to the long-term success of any business. They are Location, Building, Vendors, Products, Systems, Employees, and Customers.

It is helpful to view them as a Pyramid with business Location at the base building up to Customers at the peak. Below is a brief description of each element and a question to challenge your thinking about these elements in your business:

1. Location: Success of any business starts with location. Consider your location like your ante to get into the game of business. If your customers have a hard time finding your location or the parking lot is a hassle to get into your customers will avoid your business. Convenience is a big deal to customers, so if you can’t attract them to your location, then, for you, the other elements don’t matter much. How can you improve the convenience of your location – or the perception of your location in the mind of customers?

2. Building: There are elements outside and within your building that provide exceptional customer service. It starts with the exterior physical appearance. As customers pull into your location, they expect the parking lot and building to be clean, well maintained, and accessible. The exterior needs to shout out – “Come On In”! When a customer enters the store they are looking for: a friendly greeting, clean floors, functional lighting, attractive displays, understandable pricing, and perhaps most-surprisingly, clean restrooms. Restrooms say a lot about a businesses attention to detail and this is one detail you do not want to over look. What changes do you need to make in your buildings appearance?

3. Vendors: The companies that supply you with products and services have an impact on the customer service you provide. Vendors are just as significant as employees, yet many business owners and managers disregard their importance in the success of their business. Your good relationship with your vendors will help keep your sales alive if something happens to the products you are selling. Vendors are your internal customers and need to be treated like key partners in your success. What can you do to improve your Vendor relationships today?

4. Products: The types of goods and services you provide your customers have an enormous impact on your success. Your Vendors play an essential role in both your product mix and display creativity. I cannot over stress the importance of providing outstanding service after the sale. More customers have left businesses not because of the product, but because of the service after the sale. Both your product offerings and the service after the sale are key to keeping customers coming back. How can you improve your product mix and service after the sale?

5. Systems: How easy are you to do business with? Your systems and procedures are a reflection of how it is to do business with you. Start by examining your systems from the customer’s point of view. If a customer orders a product from your store, is there a process for calling that customer when the merchandise arrives? Who is responsible? When a customer has a return, how easy is it for them to make an exchange? What systems do you need to improve so you become more customer-friendly?

6. Employees: There is so much focus currently in the marketplace on having the right products, but having the proper mix of employees is the lifeblood of any business. You can have the best products on the planet, but if you don’t have the right combination of personalities working for you, your business can not provide exceptional customer service.

* The number one area our Mystery Shoppers comment on most is employees’ appearance and that is more important than the appearance of the building and the displays. In addition to looking sharp, nametags and uniforms are fundamental to customers. We have found there is nothing more frustrating for a customer than trying to figure out who works in the business. How can you take your employees appearance to the next level?

* An Employees’ knowledge is pivotal to providing your customers with the right products and the services they desire. For most employees gaining product knowledge becomes a baptism by fire. Businesses that invest in their employee product knowledge on a regular basis have happier employees with less turnover. What can you do to develop a better system of teaching your employees about your products and services?

* If one of our Mystery Shoppers waked into your business in the next week and asked your employees to explain your sales process, how would they do? I am constantly amazed by the lack of employee knowledge for this simple, yet fundamental ingredient to all business success. If your staff is not following logical step by step sales process discovering what the customer needs, how can you expect them to sell anything? The result is that both the customer and employee are disappointed. What can you do today to improve your employees’ knowledge of your sales process?

* How is the internal customer service at your business? Every business has a different mix of employee personalities. How each of those employees understand, serve, and respect their coworkers also have an impact on the customer’s experience. What can you do today to amp up the internal customer service in your business?

7. Customers: Without customers we have no business. Generally, employees get so busy with the task of running the business that they forget about just why they are employed. Customers are volunteers that choose to do business with a business. Most customers quit doing business with a business because of an attitude of indifference by the business or an employee. We all know that the best advertising a business can have is word of mouth. What can you do today to insure your customer word of mouth advertising is bringing you new customers?

There is your Pyramid and it all points to your Customer. This list of seven building blocks to exceptional customer service is what it takes to be successful in this very competitive business environment. Take time this week with your management team and your employees to examine this list closely. Step back and look at your business through your customers eyes and understand what they experience when they do business with you. If you don’t WOW your customer today, someone else is going to tomorrow. When will you begin?

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