Why Shop with The Brandt Group?

You have a lot of choices as a mystery shopper, from the kinds of assignments you’ll want to accept, to when you’re available to complete them. Among those important choices is which mystery-shopping networks you’ll want to join; so why would you choose The Brandt Group as one of them?

Responsive Staff

Not all mystery-shopping companies are quick to respond to your questions. Our schedulers and editors will get back to you with answers without delay, and you’re able to call our offices and get to speak with an actual person rather than an automated system.

Fast Reimbursement

Many mystery-shopping companies require that you wait to be reimbursed until after they’ve been paid by the client. This can mean you’ll need to wait a month or more for some of your fees. At The Brandt Group, we pay at the beginning and in the middle of each month. That means you’ll usually receive your reimbursement within a couple of weeks of completing your shop—sometimes sooner. Best of all, we’re flexible about payments: for the techno-savvy shopper, we can use PayPal. Otherwise, we can send a check in the mail.


Many mystery-shopping companies employ complex tiers where they might compensate you differently depending on how fast you complete the assignment, or based on whether you meet certain requirements, like the quantity of shops you perform from them in a given time period. That sounds too complicated; at The Brandt Group, you’ll see exactly what the compensation is before you even agree to an assignment so there are no surprises.

No Gotchas

Some mystery-shopping companies will take on projects where you’re meant to behave like a private detective and catch employees in acts of wrongdoing. While The Brandt Group will help with projects like We-Card compliance for alcohol and tobacco, our goal has always been to help managers improve their training techniques so that employees deliver the best customer service possible. We do not want to get those people fired. Rest comfortably knowing that The Brandt Group will never put you in a position where you feel like you’re trying to trap someone else.

We Want You to Be Yourself

Other mystery-shopping companies might want you to play a specific role you may not be comfortable with, like someone who’s especially argumentative or angry. Our goal is to have employees do as much of the talking as possible, and we only expect that you ask questions and take good mental notes. We don’t need you to put on a performance—just be yourself!

Nothing Shady

You should never consent to join a mystery-shopping network that requires you to pay a membership fee. Nor should you ever respond to unsolicited assignments that show up in the mail with lofty promises of big paydays. The Brandt Group will never ask you to pay us for anything, and we only ever assign shops to shoppers who request them. If we need help for a time sensitive project, we’ll specifically reach out to you by phone or email. We’ll never just assume.

Joining Is Easy

No interviews. No certifications or special training. No paperwork to send through the mail. Just a few basic webforms and then you can get started right away! You need only visit our registration page to learn more. Please let us know if you have any questions!

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Good Habits Are the Fuel that Drives Your Success
Becoming a Great Mystery Shopper

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